Monday, February 5, 2024

Virtual Sex

 I just read an article about someone who claims to have been sexually groped in/on? virtual reality in the metaverse. This was a second case and the designers are "working out how to protect participants". The gropee's description does raise hackles:
“In between a wave of zombies and demons to shoot down, I was hanging out next to BigBro442, waiting for our next attack. Suddenly, BigBro442’s disembodied helmet faced me dead-on. His floating hand approached my body, and he started to virtually rub my chest. ‘Stop!’ I cried … This goaded him on, and even when I turned away from him, he chased me around, making grabbing and pinching motions near my chest. Emboldened, he even shoved his hand toward my virtual crotch and began rubbing. There I was, being virtually groped in a snowy fortress with my brother-in-law and husband watching.”

Now, I am not a prude yet the description did make me a bit uncomfortable. If such are thought to be objectionable by a majority and law-making bodies sympathetic, I can visualize a future wherein George Orwell's thought police are very busy tracking down thought gropers. I wonder if it will be a crime to visualize sex with an imaginary person. If a fleeting uncontrollable thought could get you one to ten.

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