Monday, October 26, 2020

Just Wondering

 How many people do you know, friends and relatives, that have tested positive for COVID-19? Been hospitalized for COVID-19? Died from COVID-19? Just wondering.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Way We Were

 Mr. Grant doesn't understand that we're not practcicing law from Before. He wants things to work the same as they used to. He thinks that the world just has this out of order sign temporarily tacked to it. Any minute a maintenance guy is going to come along and plug the world back in and everything will go back to what it was." After the Cure, Dierdre Gould, 2013.

Will there be a Before that was drastically different than the After in the 2020s? One thing we know is that those in power in democratic governments the world over will have found that they truly enjoyed flexing their dictatorial muscle, How easy it was. It just took the big-city mayors and state governors to make never-ending televised speeches in concert with most of the national new media proclaiming how deadly and scary the pandemic was to shut down most of the world's economy, trap the majority of the free-world populace in their homes, and ridiculously sport a face mask in public. But the worst was restricting peoples' freedom to socialize. Why? Because it is through socialization that communication occurs, communication that tends to seek the truth. The last thing the power-seeking politicians wanted was a populace gathering to discuss how utterly silly the mandated restrictions were.

COVID-19 will eventually go the way the cases of flu have gone, but the threat will remain. We will have become but lambs, constantly threatened with the return thus justifying the codification through legislation and judicial support of significantly increased powers of federal, state, and local leaders at the expense of the people. Remember the response to 911? You can expect much worse.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Journalistic Stupidity

 Consistently news reporters and journalists in all media forms, refer to members of the Democrat party who are in public (elected and appointed) office as, for example, "Democratic Congresswoman, Kamala Harris." And six- or seven-figure editors let it pass. Kamala Harris is a Democratic just as Chris Wallace is a Journalistic. Merriam-Webster defines democratic as "of, relating to, or favoring democracy." Accordingly and rightly I would bet that 99.9% of Republican officeholders are also democratic.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Priorities - Death or Dry

 A BLM member hanging from Trump Tower in Chicago from a rope was threatening to kill himself if he did not talk to President Trump before the election. Funny thing, it was raining and he was wearing a raincoat with the hood up.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Correcting Higher Education

 In an October 17, 2020, American Thinker article titled 'Academic Teachers and Political Activists', John M. Ellis, a distinguished Professor Emeritus at UC Santa Cruz, argued rightly that the only way to begin teaching our children to think analytically, productively, and independently is to replace the pure political activists in academia with true academics. As much as I agree with him, I can't readily see how that can be accomplished. What kind of litmus test could be administered? While there are certainly many post-graduates who have not been tainted by activist ideologies, they are in the minority. How can they be singled out? Obviously, the majority of candidates who will have passed out of our K-18 system any time in the past 40 years will have been indoctrinated as anti-American Marists. And, of course, the hiring authorities and senior administrators are in that category. In this environment, I don't think a changing of the guard can be accomplished. Rather the entire system needs to be abolished and rebuilt from scratch and that can only occur when the money runs out, which it will as enrollment continues to decrease. It will require a bunch of failures, starts, and stops but over time it will achieve the desired balance.

Academic Teachers and Political Activists - American Thinker (

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Who Cares about 'yelp*'

 I have never understood why anyone would trust a yelp* type website that accepts anonymous comments regarding any business. But obviously many do. Now, in accordance with traditional Communist party tactics, yelp* is publishing anonymous “consumer alerts” on businesses to warn consumers about businesses associated with egregious, racially-charged action. And exactly how will yelp* make that determination? Of course, from anonymous comments made by disgruntled consumers, competitive businesses, or yelp* employees. So your black, female waitress was a little lax in paying attention to your every two-minute harangues. Angrily, you decide your resources: 1-write a negative yelp* review; 2-write a yelp* review claiming that the waitress' non-actions were racially motivated; or, 3-complain to the restaurant manager. Being the asshole that you are you elect option 2 as the promising to cause the optimum damage to the restaurant. yelp*, being managed by the assholes that they are, eagerly place a warning on the hapless restaurant. We've been aware for a long time now that this is standard practice in our academies (anonymous tattle-telling) that have resulted, without due process, in students, even professors, having their records besmirched at the least, even suspended or in the case of staff, fired. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Democracies Do Not Work


From John Adams to John Taylor, 17 December 1814

Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a Democracy Yet, that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to Say that Democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious or less avaricious than Aristocracy or Monarchy. It is not true in Fact and no where appears in history. Those Passions are the same in all Men under all forms of Simple Government, and when unchecked, produce the same Effects of Fraud Violence and Cruelty. When clear Prospects are opened before Vanity, Pride, Avarice or Ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate Phylosophers and the most conscientious Moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves, Nations and large Bodies of Men, never.

And not have survived the last 200+ years. 

Socialism By Hicks

From: How Modern Education Makes Good Little Marxists - American Thinker ( 

 In his Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault, philosopher Stephen Hicks traces the history of the breakdown and collapse of the discipline of philosophy and its impact on other disciplines.  Hicks posits that fields within the humanities at large, not just subfields such as Critical Theory, the grievance studies, Postmodernism, etc., have always intertwined themselves with the various flavors of socialism.  They've striven to find theoretical methods to become an intellectual ruling class who could properly reform and organize society.  Their problem, however, became that socialism failed on every level: economically, it has irrefutably proven its drastic inferiority to capitalist ideas and usually results in creating vast conditions of poverty.  Politically, it has produced horrific tyranny, from modern Venezuela to the former Soviet Union.  Intellectually, it has not been able to justify itself, given its numerous inherent contradictions and denial of individual rights.

Hicks concludes that today, a notion of resentment has accordingly taken over both the intellectual and political movement.  He states, "Socialism is the historical loser, and if socialist know that, they will hate that fact, they will hate the winners for having won, and they will hate themselves for having picked the losing side.  Hate as a chronic condition leads to the urge to destroy[.] ... Postmodern thinkers hold that not just politics as failed — everything has failed" (Hicks, 194).  In other words, if you can't win, then destroy becomes the motto of such ideologies.  The target for that urge to destroy is at first honest students, then those virtuous people who resist, then the national history, and finally the cities and the governmental system itself.