Sunday, August 14, 2022


There is an accurate and insightful article in the American Thinker on August 14, 2022 that every American should read, especially members of congress. It is frightening to be confronted so openly of what we already suspected, that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has become monstrously totalitarian. The points made by Mr. Fitzgerald:

In addition to proclaiming the death of God, Nietzsche proclaimed the death of peoples.

There is a distinction between the state and the peoples.

Peoples existed before the state.

States claim to be identical with the peoples, thus stares are the biggest liars.

States stole the identity of the peoples, thus are the biggest thieves.

Every modern state is totalitarian, some more than others.

The biggest threat to the peoples of America is the omnipotence and omnipresence of the states' administration.

The FBI is the central part of the administration of the state. The two have collapsed into one.

There is no governing authority over the FBI. Neither the president, congress, the courts, other law enforcement agencies, nor the Department of Justice posses no power to oppose their jurisdiction.

The FBI does whatever it wants, to whomever it wants, wherever it wants.

The FBI has enormous intelligence gathering capability and no one at any level can know what it knows.

The FBI in effect is the "regulating finger of God."

The FBI most be reformed.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Only Thing They Didn't Do Was Arm Teachers and Students

 UCISD's (Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District-Texas) website states that the district has "proponents to curb and/or eliminate" elements of" violence, vandalism, disruptions and fear" in its schools to "provide a safe and secure environment for all." Those proponents include four officers, including a chief, a detective and two officers within the school district; partnerships with local law enforcement agencies; security staff that patrols door entrances and parking lots at secondary campuses; case managers and social workers on UCISD campuses; licensed counselors; threat assessment teams; social media threat monitoring; a visitor management security system; canine detection services; motion detectors and alarm systems; perimeter fencing at Robb and other schools; security vestibules and outside buzz-in systems; security cameras; a locked classroom door policy; staff and student training; and a threat reporting system.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Biden's Wimpy Approach to Russia

 Putin is a self-proclaimed bully with a known agenda. He is intent on restoring the territory previously governed by the USSR and will do so when necessary with military force. He will push and push until he accomplishes his goal or is stopped. In any case he will have bullied his way into increasing Russia's hegemony. Actually, smelling America's leadership weakness (military as political) and lack of resolve emanating from woke stupidity, he has already done so with impunity.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Why Sanctions on Russia Will Not Work

 Geez, aren't we aware of Russia's history of peasant misery? The ruling elite, be they Tzars or "democratically" elected leaders have never hesitated to sacrifice Russian citizens to their and their friends and relatives advantage. The more the merrier. 

Because sanctions on any major country also affect the citizens of the countries levying the sanctions, the question becomes, who has the political will to hang on the longest? Citizens of communist countries, short of a national revolution, have no opportunity to voice their displeasure with their government. The governments of many member states of NATO, on the other hand, can be readily influenced by a dissatisfied citizenry. The United States under Biden, for example, has already experienced a record inflationary increase causing prices to soar. People are already unhappy. Biden warned that they will likely go higher should there not be a quick resolution to the Ukraine thing.

What do you think will happen?