Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Jewish Question

 Why anti-semitism? The reasons most frequently given are not reasons but elicit further questions. According to Microsoft Bing's Copilot, "One reason is that Jews have served as scapegoats for over two thousand years, meaning they are irrationally blamed for societal problems." And that scapegoating generates conspiracy theories. That is not a reason but more a partial definition of anti-semitism. And finally, theological differences between Judaism and Christianity. 

Would is strange to me is that the Jewish historical story in the Old Testament is studied and believed by most Christians as though it were their story and not solely that of the Jews. Talk about cultural appropriation. .

From ChatGPT 12/23/2023. Supersessionism, also known as replacement theology or fulfillment theology, is a Christian theological doctrine that holds the Christian Church has succeeded the nation of Israel as God’s chosen people. This belief asserts that the New Covenant through Jesus Christ has superseded the Mosaic covenant, which was exclusive to the Jews. Historically, many Christian theologians, including early Church Fathers like Justin Martyr and Augustine of Hippo, were supersessionist. The doctrine has been a core tenet of various Christian denominations, although some modern Christian communities and churches have moved away from it in the interest of Christian–Jewish reconciliation12.


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