- Operational autonomy: state and district waivers from procedural and administrative requirements such as staffing, curriculum, instructional approach, finances, length of the school day/year, discipline, etc. Wouldn't this be great? Maybe even no common core.
- More innovative and flexible (an obvious result of operational autonomy in general).
- Create a unique school culture. Already being done to some degree or more by the majority of traditional public schools.
- Parental choice (eliminate geographical boundaries). Combined with unique school culture, every public school could be a type magnet school.
- Create a competitive environment among schools (not sure why this is considered an advantage but would be unavoidable).
- Increase opportunity for poor kids and children of color. Costly yet doable. Charters haven't lived up to the promise.
- Less expensive. Not really when adjusted for services not performed; teacher unions, tenure, longevity, credentials, longer hours and turnover; selective enrollment; backfill policies; and donations (does the Gates fund contribute to poorer public schools?).
- Few or no unions. Probably not doable. Probably not advisable given that states without teacher collective bargaining laws tend to have lower levels of student achievement. Stronger teacher union states tend to have adequate overall funding levels. Stronger teacher union states tend to have fairer funding distributions. Stronger teacher union states tend to have more competitive teacher wages.
- No tenure. Obviously doable and in my opinion, advisable. However, concurrent with the elimination of tenure I believe that all teachers should be entitled to a presumption of continuous employment and dismissal only by due process. What I would add is a requirement for some form of profession self-regulatory body similar to the American Bar Association for lawyers and the American Medical Association for physicians.
- Smaller school/class size. Both tend to enhance student performance and are very doable but costly.
- No credentials needed. Ridiculous. If teaching is a true profession, which I believe it to be, there must be a right of passage and periodic recertification.
Another silly question: Once a district has converted to 100% charter schools are those schools now traditional public schools?
1 comment:
From yesterday's catalyst-chicago.org post:
"CPS officials announced on Monday that they will resurrect an Arne Duncan-era program to give 25 principals more freedom from red tape in running their schools, managing their finances and attending network meetings."
Note that this is not the schools being granted more autonomy, but the 'principals'. Interesting.
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