Let us dispose of the God issue right off. To believe that some intelligence would create all that is living, an Earth, a galaxy, even a universe for the purpose of our beings is arrogant, selfish, and frankly, absurb. Why? Why would some omni-thing create anything except for its own gratification? And if so, is that how we would like to think of a God? No matter how we look at the existence of anything, we have to agree that there had to be somthing that always was. Our experience of cause and effect and the inability of science to prove otherwise gives us no other options.
How? is not the relevant existence question that keeps one up at night. It's the famous why? question first posed by Guttried Wilhelm Leeibnez in 1697: "Why is there something rather than nothing?" Centuries-long thinkign and debating by philosophers and scientists haver produced a number of
A couple of the current theories suggest what I propose, that the universe has always been and, if you will, is a god.
What comes closest to my thinking is the Cyclic Model of infinite universal expansion and contraction. My theory, to work, must be closely related to a theory of time that purports that all events are occurring simultaneously and forever. Our consiousness are mere vistors of a few of the events. As of now science cannot demonstrate that something can be created from nothing. The scientific princples that champion the creation of something from nothing assume the nothing to be space, a vacuum. Such is not nothing as in some form it contains quantum fields. In the theory of Quantum Fluctuations we must start with particle-antiparticle pairs. The Heisenberg Uncertainty principle depends on pair of physical properties like energy and time. The Casimir Effect phenomenon are quantum fluctuations. And the Schwinger Effect requires a strong electronic field.
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