Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Kind of a thought experiment: Assuming that free will is a thing, I think that the absence of sufficient social controls, preventive and consequential, is responsible for the majority of crimes. Social order requires informal and formal controls provided at the familial, social group, cultural, and governmental levels. It may be politically incorrect but I also believe a certain degree of agreeable conformity is ideally necessary. And yes, I believe it to be so in manners, dress, and language. If adequate conformity controls are not taught and enforced at the family level, it is unlikely that the young will willingly abide by rules, regulations, and laws at other levels. The problem is, what level of control is optimal? Is it oppressive for a parent to prohibit a teenage daughter from coloring her hair in various streaks? Is it, on the other hand, the promotion of chaos, disorder, and crime not to incarcerate teenage boys convicted of serious crimes? Societies have been grappling with this issue ever since social grouping began.

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