Wednesday, July 24, 2024


I've been working on my time theory. Actually, theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli, first argued that reality is a network of events and that our perception of past, present, and future is a projection onto this network. I postulate that wherein there is no past, present, or future, actually wherein there is no time. Quantum entanglement and time dilation suggest the same. In my theory, all universal events occur simultaneously. Such a theory solves several cosmological mysteries. But we have to back up a bit to my proposition that the universe of which we are aware has always been. I realize that using terms such as "always been" implies eternity which is sort of a reference to how humanity views time that never ends, a human fallacy. Sorry. No, the universe did not begin with a "big bang" or even a little whimper. It just is. Kind of replaces the God thing. Back to the no-time theory, I've run into a wall. SPACE. Where is all this happening? Or is space also an illusion? Einstein's equation that creates the concept of space-time fits nicely into the world we experience, but is it what is? We love our space but events without time may not require space since space most probably is only required for events in time.

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