Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Philosophy of a Fool - 2

As I continue to read Philip Goff's book, Why? The Purpose of the Universe and as I dwell on the fine-tuning argument he makes. Does not "fine-tuning" imply intelligent design and consequently conscious thought?

Given an infinite universe at least 13+ years old as the Earth a finite speck, isn't it hubris to so consider it all for humanity? I question the primary importance of humans in an infinite universe.

See and and the following:
If an Omni-God exists, who or which created or caused to be created the human species, then the obvious question is "why?" and not "how come?". Whatever reason you might give can be readily countered with asking why didn't he/she/it just use his/her/its powers to elimate the need? Was God bored, or lonely...?

From Why? Does the Univerxe Have a Purpose, Philip Goff. "But when it comes to a God defined and morally perfect, the Cosmic Sin Intuition does cast considerable doubt on Her existence. If it is Immoeral for an all-powerful being to create a universe like our own, then either our universe lacks a creator, or that creator is not all-powerful and perfectly good. Either way, the Omni-God does not exist."

In a separate paragraph he posits:
    "To my mind, the point at which these arguments fall apart is when they attempt to demonstrate that the timeless/necessary foundation of being must have the properties of the Omni-God: all-knowing, all-powerful, and perfectly good. If we are rationally compelled to accept the existence of a timeless, necessarily existent entity, why not suppose that that entity is the universe itself, rather than postulating something supernatural outside of the universe?" (my emphasis)

Roger Penrose in a 2023 interview made it very clear that AI are not conscious.

Consciousness: A dog knows when it is hungry, but does it know that it knows it is hungry?

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