Monday, August 28, 2023

The Philosophy of a Fool

 Morphic Resonance ( Memory fields involving behaviors, habits, and other non-genetic forms are passed through evolution as memories. We are connected "across time."

Panpsychicism - experiments show that most humans are aware that someone or some people is staring at them. Also, about 50 percent of dogs and cats are aware that their owners are returning to the home in advance of any possibility of seeing, hearing, or smelling them.
Why are we here? If our universe continues to behave as it has in the observable past, our sun will explode in about 5 billion years and, obviously, our earth will cease to exist as we know it. All life will have been extinguished.

David Hand: dark data, AI. 

What If there was no universal origin, like no Big Bang?
I just began reading Why? The Purpose of the Universe by Philip Goff, Oxford University Press, 2023. While I'm only halfway through the first chapter, he has repeatedly said that he intends to show why he believes that the universe has a purpose. So, at this point, I'm asking myself, does not "purpose" imply intent? As far as I know, the universe, disregarding panpsychism (a different discussion), is material. Objects of matter do not possess the mental acuity or consciousness that would produce an intention. Consider a decorated Christmas tree. It certainly serves a purpose but within itself, it does not have a purpose. The thinking, conscious individual who erected and decorated the tree had a purpose. Likewise, the universe cannot have a purpose, but does appear there is the possibility that if the universe is not infinite, its creator is purposeful. Scientists, for the most part, believe the universe to be infinite. Consequently, given such an unfathomable size, who the hell are we to question the universal purpose or expect our minuscule lives to be of value.
In Chapter 2, Phillip goes on to develop his Value-Selection Hypothesis by describing the complexity necessary for a universe that created and sustains life as we know it. Thus, cosmic purpose. Why so complex? Why not create a very simple universe and then create life forms that thrive in such a universe? In any case, The question seems to be why is there life? If life has a value, to whom or to what? Of course, from our perspective, life is valuable, yet as a whole, without purpose. The perceived purpose and value exist only at the individual level.

Philip refers to our universe as having value. That value is fundamental. And that value is the purpose. If he means value to humans, why would we be singled out about all other previous, current, and future life forms?  And regarding panpsychism, how do we know that humans possess the most advanced form of consciousness? Hubris?
Regarding the fine-tuning of the universe, it seems that during creation the creating entity would have made it more perfect, compressible, and simpler given the purpose that humans experience value. Since there were no life forms in our universe before there were life forms, why create them anyway? Something, by nature, just has to exist? Self-creating?

Philip Goof rejects the multiverse theory in part because the other universes would not be fine-tuned to life as we know it. Why could not others contain the exact same elements in the exact same balance? Or, why could they (who or what is “they”?), with different elemental constants, create and sustain a quite different life form dependent on different constants. Say, a water world.

Evolution of brain = survival not accuracy. Once you are afraid the brain will do anything to protect you to include memory loss and tunnel vision.

Memories are fragile and inaccurate. Each time we remember an event it is modified by our current selves and restored as changed. Our brains create anew.
Does consciousness exist outside of the brain? Is the brain only a tool that permits us to experience consciousness?
Free will: biology determines what choices we make. Early life experiences in great part affect the adult frontal cortex and predetermine decisions/actions. Character is predetermined by levels in hormones (genetic). The development of the frontal cortex can override, to some degree, the effect of genes. Experience and environment do not change your genes. It changes the on/off switches of the gees. Regulatory controls.
If there is no free will how can we be accountable for our actions?
Anti-matter is the exact opposite of matter.
Atoms only appear to exist when a conscious observer looks at it.
Physics-biology-chemistry isn’t enough to explain why I know I am.
Why do we exist? Why does the universe exist or at least appear to exist?
 The value of philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its very uncertainty. The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from convictions which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation or consent of his deliberate reason. To such a man the world tends to become definite, finite, obvious; common objects rouse no questions, and unfamiliar possibilities are contemptuously rejected. As soon as we begin to philosophize, on the contrary, we find that even the most everyday things lead to problems to which only very incomplete answers can be given. 
Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Teacher Tools

 I asked ChatGPt what tools teachers needed in order to produce effective instruction and here is the response:

There are numerous tools and devices that teachers should be familiar with in order to enhance their teaching and facilitate effective learning experiences for students. Here is a list of some essential tools and devices:

  1. Computers and Laptops: Teachers should know how to operate computers and laptops, including basic operations like file management, internet browsing, and software usage.

  2. Education Software: Familiarity with educational software such as learning management systems (e.g., Google Classroom, Moodle, Schoology) and productivity tools (Microsoft Office Suite, Google Docs, Canva) is crucial.

  3. Interactive Whiteboards: Teachers should be comfortable using interactive whiteboards, including features like creating and displaying multimedia content, web browsing, and using various interactive tools.

  4. Projectors and Screens: Knowing how to set up and use projectors, screens, and other audiovisual equipment is necessary for delivering engaging presentations and displaying educational content.

  5. Document Cameras: Proficiency in operating document cameras to magnify and display hardcopy materials or objects to the entire class is advantageous.

  6. Smart Devices: Knowing how to operate tablets (e.g., iPads, Android tablets) and smartphones can allow teachers to utilize educational apps, access online resources, and facilitate collaborative learning.

  7. Classroom Response Systems: Familiarity with classroom response systems (clickers or mobile apps) enables teachers to facilitate interactive quizzes, polls, and formative assessments.

  8. Audio and Video Recording Equipment: Proficiency in using audio and video recording devices allows teachers to create instructional videos, podcasts, or capture student presentations.

  9. Virtual Meeting Platforms: In today's remote learning environments, teachers should be comfortable using virtual meeting platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet to facilitate synchronous online classes and meetings.

  10. Learning Management Systems: Familiarity with learning management systems, including functionalities such as content creation, grading, discussion forums, and assignments, is essential for managing and organizing online or blended learning environments.

  11. Online Collaboration Tools: Teachers should be knowledgeable about online collaboration tools such as Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox to facilitate file sharing, collaborative document editing, and group projects.

  12. Educational Apps and Websites: Awareness of educational apps and websites suitable for various subjects and grade levels can enhance instructional strategies and engage students in interactive learning.

  13. Digital Assessment Tools: Knowledge of digital assessment tools (e.g., Kahoot, Quizizz, Formative) allows teachers to create and administer online quizzes, surveys, and formative assessments.

  14. Social Media Platforms: Familiarity with social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) can provide opportunities for professional development, networking, and communication with students and parents.

  15. Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: Teachers should have an understanding of online safety measures and strategies to guide students in responsible internet usage and promote digital citizenship.

This is not an exhaustive list, but it covers some key tools and devices that teachers should know how to use for effective teaching and learning.

Obtaining and maintaining mastery of all these "tools" is a full-time job itself. How the hell are they expected to squeeze in teaching.