Sunday, August 14, 2022


There is an accurate and insightful article in the American Thinker on August 14, 2022 that every American should read, especially members of congress. It is frightening to be confronted so openly of what we already suspected, that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has become monstrously totalitarian. The points made by Mr. Fitzgerald:

In addition to proclaiming the death of God, Nietzsche proclaimed the death of peoples.

There is a distinction between the state and the peoples.

Peoples existed before the state.

States claim to be identical with the peoples, thus stares are the biggest liars.

States stole the identity of the peoples, thus are the biggest thieves.

Every modern state is totalitarian, some more than others.

The biggest threat to the peoples of America is the omnipotence and omnipresence of the states' administration.

The FBI is the central part of the administration of the state. The two have collapsed into one.

There is no governing authority over the FBI. Neither the president, congress, the courts, other law enforcement agencies, nor the Department of Justice posses no power to oppose their jurisdiction.

The FBI does whatever it wants, to whomever it wants, wherever it wants.

The FBI has enormous intelligence gathering capability and no one at any level can know what it knows.

The FBI in effect is the "regulating finger of God."

The FBI most be reformed.

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