Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Absolute Silliness

 Article titles and subtext from the December 8, 2020 Daybreak Insider:

Georgia Senate Candidate @ReverendWarnock preaches Marxism, calls Jesus a “poor Palestinian prophet.”

The union [Chicago Teachers' Union] says the push to reopen schools is due to “sexism, racism, and misogyny
Cornell University: Students Must Get Flu Vaccination Unless They Are “Person of Color”
Boston Judge Allows Mother of Terrorist to Sue Police Department That Shot Him

 Santa Tells Child “No Guns” and Sends Him into Tears [requested a nerf gun]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for a boycott of the company and sales jumped. [Goya]

 New Software Can Detect When Employees are Lazy

Behind any hyperbole exists at least a little truth.

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