Thursday, December 31, 2020


 I fully understand why a citizen would vote against Trump, but I don't understand how anyone could vote for Biden. On the one hand I have faith in the American people that in the long-run the recent violations of our Constitution and democratic principles that occurred during the election will be recognized and actions take to prevent such gross fraud in the future. On the other hand, I am extremely disappointed that Americans who voted for Biden are silently condoning obvious treason. Actually, it even appears that many Republican voters have more or less conceded to being cheated. Is it because voter fraud is so old and frequent that it is thought to be acceptable? Is it because they, as individuals, didn't do anything illegal, they don't feel guilty?

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Conscious of a Politician

 I mean, of course, the consciousness of fault. How many times have you heard the phrase, "How in good conscious could you/he/she...?" followed by a description of the you/he/she taking advantage of, benefiting from, or performing something immoral or unethical. Politicians are noted for acting in bad conscious without ever acknowledging or demonstrating remorse for  having done so.

Joe Biden is the latest and most blatant example. He knows he didn't win the presidency legally, yet he continues to awkwardly speak as he did. He does not appear to be bothered by the fact that the fraud that occurred during the 2020 presidential election is the only reason he may unjustifiably occupy a chair far, far to big for him. He has no or little respect for history, tradition, and worse, the Constitution.

He will not have the full support of not only those whose disagree with his positions and ideals but as well those who are aware that he does not deserve to serve as President.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Absolute Silliness

 Article titles and subtext from the December 8, 2020 Daybreak Insider:

Georgia Senate Candidate @ReverendWarnock preaches Marxism, calls Jesus a “poor Palestinian prophet.”

The union [Chicago Teachers' Union] says the push to reopen schools is due to “sexism, racism, and misogyny
Cornell University: Students Must Get Flu Vaccination Unless They Are “Person of Color”
Boston Judge Allows Mother of Terrorist to Sue Police Department That Shot Him

 Santa Tells Child “No Guns” and Sends Him into Tears [requested a nerf gun]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for a boycott of the company and sales jumped. [Goya]

 New Software Can Detect When Employees are Lazy

Behind any hyperbole exists at least a little truth.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

1984 Thought Control--Illinois

The average citizen in Illinois is seldom aware of how their youth are being brainwashed away from traditional American values toward progressive, anti-religion, anti-free speech, anti-free thinking, anti-capitalism, and anti-nationalism (Americanism) in the name of "cultural responsiveness". As an example, the Illinois State Board of Education is considering adopting a set of standards proposed by The Diverse and Learner Ready Teacher’s Network (what the hell is that?) designed to"

"...require teachers to be reflective as they build relationships with the students, families and communities they serve while also adapting their teaching methods to be inclusive of students with different cultures, backgrounds, languages, identities and sexual orientations."

That sounds innocent enough until you get into the details. In reality they are designed to move the inculcation of individual personal values from the home to the school room, taking away more parental and constitutional rights. A reading of the six proposed standards smacks strongly of the promotion of the Critical Race Theory. Note THEORY! Beneath the six standards are 68 directive sub standards beginning with the ominous words "The culturally responsive teacher and leader will". Here is one example within the Content Selections in All Curricula standard:

5) Embrace and encourage progressive viewpoints and perspectives that leverage asset thinking toward traditionally marginalized populations. 

Many of the sub standards contain underlying potentially false assumptions: For example:

3) Understand how the system of inequity has impacted them as an educator. 




 1. Learn how color revolution works. Color revolution began with China’s attack on our country with COVID-19.
2. Learn about George Soros' “reset” & the “new world order.” Read ArchBishop Vigano's letter on the Great RESET.

"A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda."

3. Learn about Bill Gates “depopulation” goal. Gates is tied to Obama, Epstein, Communist China, Planned Parenthood, WHO, COVID & global voting systems. Read my expose on the China virus & Communist military interventions.4. Read Trump's 2018 Executive Order on foreign election interference.5. Learn about Abraham Lincoln’s exercise of power in 1861 to save our country. 6. Listen to General Flynn & General McInerney speak of the enemy within. 7. Read about what JFK, Billy Graham & Joe McCarthy said about the coming Communist invasion. They were right and they were vilified. The Communists ARE the Deep State.8. Read about the RINOs & Democrats tied to Communist China, Soviet Ukraine & global money laundering - who all have a vested interest in seeing America fail.