Saturday, November 7, 2020

Trump Accountability Project

 From a November 6 2020 tweet: Emily Abrams (@emabrams)

We’re launching the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.

Real Democrats don't scare me. While we can count on their policies being bad, there will be opportunities to change those. However, the socialist democrats do scare me. They are too reminiscent of the so-called Terror of the French Revolution. First, they went after their political enemies. That not being enough to quale their bloodthirst, they went after their own, ala Robespierre. Due to the continued failure of our education system, most Americans do not know their own country's history much less than of Europe, so we are doomed to repeat the worst of it. Should Biden win the presidency, he will be but a puppet to the radical social democrats and they have already begun to collect names. So, if you wear/wore a MAGA hat, adorned your yard with a Trump for President sign, or even fly/flew the flag of the United States, stock up on ammo and oil your guns. Do not go down without a fight.

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