Net Bias
If you label a
concept you support as "neutral", by definition then, an opposing
concept would be "bias" and anyone supporting the opposing concept by
attachment is thought to be bias as well. Biasness, no matter how justified, in
our PC world is a pejorative word. So be it. I am proudly bias against Obama's
push toward net neutrality. The following article says it all.
Am I The Only Techie Against
Net Neutrality?
If you watch the
news, it seems just about everyone is in favor of “Net Neutrality”
legislation. Despite being a tech-addicted entrepreneur, I am not. No, I am not
a paid shill for the cable industry. I am no fan of Comcast or any other ISP I’ve ever had the
“pleasure” of dealing with. I’m skeptical of large corporations generally
and dislike the fact that in this debate I appear to be on their side.
While I have no problem with net neutrality as a principle or concept, I have
serious concerns about Net Neutrality as legislation or public policy. And
since a false dichotomy is being perpetuated by the media in regards to this
matter, I feel an obligation to put forth a third point of view. In taking this
stand, I realize I may be the only techie, if I can aspire to that label,
opposed to Net Neutrality and that I open myself to accusations of killing the dreams of young entrepreneurs, wrecking
free speech, and destroying the Internet. Nevertheless, here are three reasons I’m
against Net Neutrality legislation.
Want More Competition
Proponents of Net
Neutrality say the telecoms have too much power. I agree. Everyone seems to
agree that monopolies are bad and competition is good, and just like you, I
would like to see more competition. But if monopolies are bad, why
should we trust the U.S. government, the largest monopoly of all? We’re
talking about the same organization that spent an amount equal to Facebook’s first six years of
operating costs to
build a health care website that doesn’t work, the same organization that can’t keep the country’s bridges from falling down, and the same organization that
spends 320 times what private industry spends to send a
rocket into space. Let’s
try a thought experiment–think of an industry that has major problems. Public
schools? Health care? How about higher education, student loans, housing,
banking, physical infrastructure, immigration, the space program, the military,
the police, and the post office? What do all these industries and/or
organizations have in common? They are all heavily regulated or controlled by
the government. On the other hand we see that where deregulation has occurred,
innovation has bloomed, such as with telephony services. Do you think we’d all
be walking around with smartphones today if the government still ran the phone
The U.S.
government has shown time after time that it is ineffective at managing much of
anything. This is by design. The Founders intentionally created a government
that was slow, inefficient, and plagued by gridlock, because they knew the
greatest danger to individual freedom came from a government that could move
quickly–too quickly for the people to react in time to protect themselves. If
we value our freedom, we need government to be slow. But if government is slow,
we shouldn’t rely on it to provide us with products and services we want in a
timely manner at a high level of quality. The telecoms may be bad, but
everything that makes them bad is what the government is by definition. Can we
put “bad” and “worse” together and end up with “better”?
I don’t like how
much power the telecoms have. But the reason they’re big and powerful isn’t
because there is a lack of government regulation, but because of it. Government
regulations are written by large corporate interests which collude with
officials in government. The image of government being full of people on a
mission to protect the little guy from predatory corporate behemoths is an
illusion fostered by politicians and corporate interests alike. Many, if not
most, government regulations are the product of crony capitalism designed to
prevent small entrepreneurs from becoming real threats to large corporations.
If Net Neutrality comes to pass how can we trust it will not be written in a
way that will make it harder for new companies to offer Internet services? If
anything, we’re likely to end up even more beholden to the large telecoms than
before. Of course at this point the politicians will tell us if they hadn’t
stepped in that things would be even worse.
If the telecoms
are forced to compete in a truly free market, Comcast and Time Warner won’t
exist 10 years from now. They’ll be replaced by options that give us better
service at a lower price. Some of these new options may depend on being able to
take advantage of the very freedom to charge more for certain types of Internet
traffic that Net Neutrality seeks to eliminate. If we want to break up the
large telecoms through increased competition we need to eliminate regulations
that act as barriers to entry in the space, rather than create more of them.
Want More Privacy
Free speech cannot
exist without privacy, and the U.S. government has been shown to be unworthy of
guarding the privacy of its citizens. Only the latest revelation of many, Glenn
Greenwald’s new book No Place To Hide reveals thatthe U.S. government tampers with Internet routers during the manufacturing process to
aid it’s spying programs. Is this the organization we trust to take even more
control of the Internet? Should we believe that under Net Neutrality the
government will trust the telecoms to police themselves? The government
will need to verify, at a technical level, whether the telecoms are treating
data as they should. Don’t be surprised if that means the government says it
needs to be able to install its own hardware and software at critical points to
monitor Internet traffic. Once installed, can we trust this government,
or anygovernment, to use that access in a benign
While privacy and
freedom of speech may not be foremost on your mind today because you like who
is running the government right now, remember that government control tends to
swing back and forth. How will you feel about the government having increased control
of the Internet when Republicans own the House and Senate and Jeb Bush is elected President, all at the same
Want More Freedom
men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern
men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be
necessary. – James
Madison, The Federalist No. 51
Many of us see the
U.S. government as a benevolent and all-knowing parent with the best interests
of you and me, its children, at heart. I see the U.S. government as a dangerous
tyrant, influenced by large corporate interests, seeking to control everyone
and everything. Perhaps these diverging perspectives on the nature of the U.S.
government are what account for a majority of the debate between proponents and
opponents of Net Neutrality. If I believed the U.S. government was omniscient,
had only good intentions, and that those intentions would never change, I would
be in favor of Net Neutrality and more. But it wasn’t all that long ago that
FDR was locking up U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps
and Woodrow Wilson was outlawing political dissent. More recently we’ve
seen the U.S. government fight unjust wars, topple elected democracies, and
otherwise interfere in world affairs. We’ve seen the same government execute its own citizens in violation of Fifth
Amendment rightsguaranteed
in the U.S. Constitution. Simply put–I don’t trust the U.S. government. Nor do
I trust any other government, even if “my team” wins the election. I see any
increase in regulation, however well-intentioned, however beneficial to me
today, as leading to less freedom for me and society in the long term. For this
reason those who rose up against SOPA and PIPA a few years ago should be equally opposed to Net
Internet bandwidth
is, at least currently, a finite resource and has to be allocated somehow. We
can let politicians decide, or we can let you and me decide by leaving it up to
the free market. If we choose politicians, we will see the Internet become another
mismanaged public monopoly, subject to political whims and increased scrutiny
from our friends at the NSA. If we leave it up to the free market we will, in
time, receive more of what we want at a lower price. It may not be a perfect
process, but it will be better than the alternative.
Free markets deal
exceptionally well in the process of “creative destruction” economist Joseph Shumpeter championed as the mode by
which society raises its standard of living. Although any progress is not
without its impediments and free markets aren’t an instant panacea, even U2’s Bono embraced the fact entrepreneurial capitalism
does more to eradicate poverty than foreign aid. Especially in the area of technology,
government regulation has little, if any place. Governments cannot move fast
enough to effectively regulate technology companies because by the time they
move, the technology has changed and the debate is irrelevant. Does anyone
remember the antitrust cases against Microsoft because of the Internet Explorer
browser? The worse services provided by the large telecoms are, the more
incentive there will be for entrepreneurs to create new technologies. Five
years from now a new satellite technology may emerge that makes fiber obsolete,
and we’ll all be getting wireless terabit downloads from space directly to our
smartphones, anywhere in the world, for $5/month. Unrealistic? Just think what
someone would have said in 1994 if you had tried to explain to them everything
you can do today on an iPhone, and at what price.
Joshua Steimle is an entrepreneur and U. S. citizen
currently residing in Hong Kong.
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