Sunday, October 6, 2024


The consensus among biologists is that life begins at fertilization.This means that when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell, a new human organism is formed. This view is supported by a significant majority of biologists, with studies showing that around 96% of biologists affirm this perspective.

It is universally considered wrong to take a life without just cause.

Two problems:
1. Are the biologists correct or does life begin based on other ethical, cultural, and philosophical considerations?
Implantation: When the embryo implants into the uterine wall.
Viability: When a fetus can survive outside the womb, typically around 24 weeks of gestation.
Birth: The moment a baby is born and takes its first breath.
Sentience: When the fetus can feel pain or becomes aware, often suggested to be around the second trimester.

At what point in a pregnancy does the woman begin to share her physical (bodily) rights with the child?

What is "just cause"? Is the desire to not be burdened with childcare a just cause? Is the woman's concern for her physical and mental health just cause? Is gender inequality Just cause?

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Mind

 The more I read and hear about the various consciousness theories, the more I revert to an older and more simplistic theory: the brain produces consciousness. Without a brain consciousness (mind) doesn't exist. I know I have a mind, I am aware that I am aware of myself and all else that I have experienced as well as I imagine what I haven't personally experienced. But only because the various parts of my brain are working together to produce that awareness and ability to ponder it. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Assisted Reproductive Technologies

 As a liberal conservative I believe that reproduction is essential to continuance of our species so in that regard I do have a horse in the abortion/assisted reproductive technologies race. I believe abortion to be a form of murder with the possibility of extenuating circumstances that should be considered. I do not know when life begins. It is generally accepted within the scientific community that life begins at fertilization (conception). As for assisted reproductive technologies, I am all for them and do not believe frozen eggs and embryos to be live humans. The only issues that need to be sorted out have to do with parental rights and each locality has to deal with that accordingly.


 Kind of a thought experiment: Assuming that free will is a thing, I think that the absence of sufficient social controls, preventive and consequential, is responsible for the majority of crimes. Social order requires informal and formal controls provided at the familial, social group, cultural, and governmental levels. It may be politically incorrect but I also believe a certain degree of agreeable conformity is ideally necessary. And yes, I believe it to be so in manners, dress, and language. If adequate conformity controls are not taught and enforced at the family level, it is unlikely that the young will willingly abide by rules, regulations, and laws at other levels. The problem is, what level of control is optimal? Is it oppressive for a parent to prohibit a teenage daughter from coloring her hair in various streaks? Is it, on the other hand, the promotion of chaos, disorder, and crime not to incarcerate teenage boys convicted of serious crimes? Societies have been grappling with this issue ever since social grouping began.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Fine-tuned for Life

    Fine-tuned for life is specifically meant to be life as we know it. Per Copilot: "The idea of different types of life in different fine-tuned universes is a fascinating topic in both science and science fiction. It opens up the possibility that life could be much more diverse and varied than we currently understand." The current factors that qualify earth as fine-tuned are temperature, atmosphere, magnetic field, water, and climate stability. It is important to note that life is specifically meant to be life as we know it, meaning that other forms of life could well exist beyond those that require Earth's exact blend of conditions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 1. Majority Muslim countries' goal is to eliminate Israel.

2. Israel's goal is to continue to exist in peace.

3. Majority Muslim countries are not militarily able to defeat Israel.

4. A few majority Muslim countries use proxies to goad Israel into a major conflict that will give the appearance of Israeli war mongering agression thus prompting other countries to support the Muslim countries.

Isael in Palestine. Most U.S. so-called supporters of Palestine are wrong in theur conclusion that the Palestinians are innocent. The fact is, while they may not be direct supporters of Hamas, they fully support Hamas' goals regarding the total distruction of Israel and are passively sacrificing themselves and their children in efforts to protect Hamas. 

Yemen: Another Iran backed group, Houthi, have targeted Israel. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


I've been working on my time theory. Actually, theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli, first argued that reality is a network of events and that our perception of past, present, and future is a projection onto this network. I postulate that wherein there is no past, present, or future, actually wherein there is no time. Quantum entanglement and time dilation suggest the same. In my theory, all universal events occur simultaneously. Such a theory solves several cosmological mysteries. But we have to back up a bit to my proposition that the universe of which we are aware has always been. I realize that using terms such as "always been" implies eternity which is sort of a reference to how humanity views time that never ends, a human fallacy. Sorry. No, the universe did not begin with a "big bang" or even a little whimper. It just is. Kind of replaces the God thing. Back to the no-time theory, I've run into a wall. SPACE. Where is all this happening? Or is space also an illusion? Einstein's equation that creates the concept of space-time fits nicely into the world we experience, but is it what is? We love our space but events without time may not require space since space most probably is only required for events in time.